President Obama And Vice President Biden Sworn In
Here's the official swearing in earlier this morning by Justice Sotomayor, who had to catch a train for New York immediately after:Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the...
View Article"I Did It". President Obama Sworn In A Second Time
Here is the video from earlier this morning. Notice how the President smiles when Justice Roberts says "preserve, protect, and defend". Rumor has it Sasha said "You didn't mess up" when Obama hugged...
View ArticleBe Careful What You Wish For
Remember this during the fiscal curb talk? Remember whenever Republicans manufacture a crisis? They all come out and look Very Serious and call on the President "to lead".And all the Villagers...
View ArticleThe Entire Senate Are Corrupt Cowards.
Even Sanders.For all their talk of filibuster reform, for all their "high ideals", they want nothing more than the status quo, nothing more than to fundraise off of us.How many times in the past four...
View ArticleDavid Brooks, Ladies and Gentlemen:
What the f---did you just say Brooks? Ladies and gentlemen, from today's Meet The Press I give you the facepalm moment of the year so far. From everyone's favorite Very Serious Person, David Brooks....
View ArticleLashing Out: Chris Christie, Being Fat, And Annoying People That Tell You So
That's me just finishing my first triathlon last year I'm fat. Like 350 pounds fat.I used to weigh 600 pounds. I've been backsliding a bit, and I'm guilty as all hell about it.I'm also a triathlete....
View ArticleJohn Brown And What About Them?
I have been having thoughts lately. Dark thoughts. When I read of news in Wisconsin or Michigan; When I read of Antonin Scalia and his remarks on voting rights; When I read of the erosion of women's...
View ArticleFree Will And The Fall Of Man
Republican philosophy in a nutshell And God commanded Adam and Eve not to touch or eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, for they would become like God. Their purpose was to exist...
View ArticleThe King Of The Internet Talks About Broadway, Equality, And Democracy
Oh Myyy. It's the King! We first met him in the 60s in Star Trek. Mr. Sulu, the swashbuckling helmsman of the Enterprise. George Takei made his career out of that role. Like Nichelle Nichols and...
View ArticleA Special Message From The President
This morning, the White House released a special message from the President
View ArticleRepublican Message Fail 101
Today should have been a day Republicans dream of. What was the headline today?President Obama's Budget Will Cut Entitlements In Exchange For Tax IncreasesThere it is, in black and white.Now, if I...
View ArticleHow Much Do Republicans Hate Obamacare?
Republicans hate the Affordable Care Act. A lot. They've tried to repeal it in Congress something like 40 times. In the states, Republican governors and legislatures are doing everything they can to...
View ArticleDemocrats Hide When Asked About Ending The Payroll Cap
That's the basic headline: Democrats hide when asked about ending high-income loophole to ensure Social Security's future.The group Remapping Debate has an article up talking about eliminating the...
View ArticleDeconstructing Education "Reform"
Offered without comment. The Wire breaks down educational "reform" in two minutes better than any column out there.
View ArticleTN Can't Make Up Its Mind, Arrests Woman But Calls Her A Man
I don't usually post stories involving transgender people but this one is so full of fail and is blood boiling worthy.Andrea Jones had reassignment surgery and is recognized as a woman by the Social...
View ArticleNo Accounting For Taste
I was noodling around the Book of Face today when I came across this story:The headline really didn't bury the lede this time:Nude Bea Arthur Painting Is Worth $2.5 Million.That's $2.5...
View ArticleHeritage To Republicans: Screw Governing, Go After The Black Guy
At a time when the "saner" (can I really use that word when describing them?) Republicans are calling on Boehner, Cantor, and Company to back off "at least until there's solid evidence", and at a time...
View ArticleArizona Abortion Law Shot Down
This Just In:The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has just struck down Arizona's abortion law, which bans all abortions after 20 weeks.The court called it unconstitutional and a deviation from years of...
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