JC Penney, which has been a Progressive Hero for its support of LGBT Equality, has lost its way.
They have decided to side with Rahm Emanuel, Arne Duncan, and the corporate privatizers of Public Education:
JC Penney wants its customers to support Teach For America
Now, there have been a lot of diaries here talking about TFA and what they do and don't do for kids in schools. And about how they only do their two year stint and then become "experts" in "education reform" and set policy. Like Michelle Rhee.
Well, it turns out that TFA is also SCABS for America.
Chicago just laid off over 2000 teachers and support staff. And yet, they INCREASED the budget for TFA, and at least 100 of those laid off VETERAN teacher positions will go to these TFA people with only five weeks of "training".
“Some of the teachers could be replaced by Teach For America recruits, as the district has committed to more than doubling its investment in the TFA program that trains college graduates for five weeks then sends them into schools for two years at a time. The Board of Education voted to increase its payment to TFA from $600,000 to nearly $1.6 million, and to add up to 325 new TFA recruits to CPS classrooms, in addition to 270 second year “teacher interns”.Wendy Kopp talks a slick game with her "educational inequality" and "ensuring all children have access to a quality education", but we know it's all about the money.TFA spokeswoman Becky O’Neill said about 200 of the new recruits are destined for charters, the rest to interview for openings in neighborhood schools.
Now what to do about it?