Sarah Palin knows few things. Let’s face it. And her recent public appearances and Facebook posts haven’t been the paragons of lucidity either.
But, at one time she played basketball and was a sports reporter. She has a passing familiarity with the game.
Unlike, it seems, one Rafael Eduardo Cruz.
Yesterday, in Indiana—where basketball is like religion and every school dreams of being the school in Hoosiers—Ted Cruz said the following:
“You know, the amazing thing about that basketball ring here in Indiana, it’s the same height as it is in New York City and every other place in this country, and there is nothing that Hoosiers cannot do.”
Donald Trump is about to get the endorsement of one Bobby Knight—a legend in Indiana. If I’m a savvy political operative, I do what Sarah Palin did on her Facebook page:
"It's smarter to actually put the ball through the HOOP before you claim victory"