It was always going to be a long shot anyway, but today, Lindsey Graham all but eliminated himself from the Republican Primary race.
Taking a break from beating the Perpetual War Drums he and his bestie John McCain do so well, Senator Graham appeared on CNN and was asked to weigh in on Caitlyn Jenner.
Dana Bash asked him to respond to a radio host (naturally) who said that the Republican Party must stand up for "the basic principles of male and female".
Graham's response?
“If Caitlyn Jenner wants to be a Republican, she is welcome in my party.”Lest you think this is a giant leap, he was quick to affirm his stance on "traditional marriage".
Throughout the interview, Graham was careful to refer to Jenner in the correct way, using "she" and "Caitlyn". He only referred to Jenner as "Bruce" once, but he did it in the context of before and after transition:
“I cannot imagine the torment Bruce Jenner went through.”Well. Baby steps. We don't know what Graham says in private, or whether or not this has been carefully scripted and prepared, but a prominent Republican is saying some of the correct things. Let's hope that at least THIS starts to trickle down.