In a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee (kind of like Michele Bachmann on the Intelligence Committee, no?) on "religious freedom" Louie Gohmert was grilling Rev. Barry Lynn, executive director for Americans United for the Separation of Church and State.
Gohmert told Lynn that the "Founding Fathers--and FDR" often mentioned religion in their writings.
At which point Lynn mentioned he had won the Medal of Freedom from the Roosevelt Institute for supporting the freedom to worship.
That's the point when Gohmert went to Gohmert-land and started Christsplaining. To an ordained minister.
“But that wasn’t awarded by Roosevelt himself?” Gohmert interrupted, before asking if the pastor understood that the “meaning” of being a Christian was to evangelize.When Lynn disagreed about Gohmert's idea of Hell or how people get there, well, it's pure Gohmert:“Do you believe in sharing the good news that will keep people from going to Hell, consistent with Christian beliefs?” the Texas Republican wondered.
“So, you do not believe somebody would go to Hell if they do not believe Jesus is the way, the truth, the life?” Gohmert pressed.At which point Lynn pointed out that what he believes is not necessarily what he thinks "ought to justify the creation of public policy for everybody".The pastor argued that people would not got to Hell for believing a “set of ideas.”
“No, not a set of ideas. Either you believe as a Christian that Jesus is the way, the truth, or life or you don’t,” Gohmert shot back.
And mentioned that not everyone believes what Gohmert believes.
And Gohmert completely ignores that part and continues to attack Lynn about Lynn's Christianity.
Watch it on video: